Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan gave police her statement in connection with the attempted robbery at her house in Mumbai’s Bandra and the subsequent attack on husband and actor Saif Ali Khan, saying that the assailant got aggressive during the scuffle but did not touch any jewellery kept in the open.
An intruder entered Saif Ali Khan’s 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan building early on Thursday. In the robbery bid, Saif tackled the suspect and got six stab injuries.
Saif Ali Khan sustained severe injuries to his spine and neck, with doctors saying that when the actor arrived at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, a knife was lodged in his spine and his spinal fluid was leaking.
The actor, who underwent multiple surgeries, is “out of danger”, hospital authorities said, adding that he is currently recovering at the facility.
Police on Saturday said that in her statement, Kareena Kapoor Khan said that the attacker got very aggressive during the struggle with Saif, stabbing him multiple times, news agency PTI reported. However, she added that he did not touch any jewellery that was kept in the open in her apartment.
The report mentioned that after the incident at her home, Kareena’s sister, actress Karishma Kapoor, took her to her home in Khar.
Police intensifies search operations
The Mumbai Police Crime Branch, meanwhile, has formed 20 teams to search for the accused who attacked and attempted robbery at Saif Ali Khan’s residence.
In addition, police have also started probing people roaming around unnecessarily during night hours to ensure quick arrest of the accused, a report from news agency ANI said.
Cops are also questioning and showing people the accused’s picture, which was captured in the CCTV footage. On Friday night, more than 15 people were brought to the police station for interrogation.
Police have so far reportedly recorded more than 30 statements in connection with the attack.
(with ANI, PTI inputs)