Sindhu Dhara

समाज की पहचान # सिंध की उत्पति एवं इतिहास<> सिंधी भाषा का ज्ञान <> प्रेणादायक,ज्ञानवर्धक,मनोरंजक कहानिया/ प्रसंग (on youtube channel)<>  सिंधी समाज के लिए,वैवाहिक सेवाएँ <> सिंधी समाज के समाचार और हलचल <>

NEW DELHI: Doctors have warned that a white fungus infection could be just as fatal as mucormycosis, or black fungus, if it finds a passage to the lungs in immuno-compromised people, including Covid patients and those who have recovered from it.
Though no case of white fungal infection in Covid patients has been reported in Patna, white fungus (Candida and Aspergillus) reaching the lungs could pose a new challenge. Patna Medical College and Hospital’s head of microbiology Dr S N Singh said the presence of Candida had been detected in the lungs of four patients, including two who have recovered from Covid. Hot and humid environment, diabetic condition and staying on oxygen support for long were the main causes of black and white fungal infection, say experts.

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