Mahakumbh Nagar, Renowned spiritual speaker Devkinandan Thakur announced on Thursday that the upcoming ‘Dharma Sabha’ scheduled for January 27 in Sector 17 will be commemorated as “Dharma Ki Swatantrata Ka Diwas” , and the constitution draft of the ‘Sanatan Board’ will be presented on the day.
Speaking at a press conference at the Niranjani Akhara, Thakur said, “Our dharma is not free because our temples are controlled by governments, our gurukuls have been shut down, and our gau mata are wandering on the streets. We need the Sanatan Board to advance our cause.”
He emphasised the significance of the Dharma Sabha, stating, “The event will see representation from all akhadas , representatives of the four Shankaracharyas , and individuals connected to Sanatan Dharma. We need the Sanatan Board from the government, and we will not leave the Kumbh without it.”
Mahant Swami Yatindranand Giri of the Juna Akhada said, “The Sanatan Board is not just necessary for India but for humanity at large. Terrorism, hatred, and anarchy worldwide can only be eradicated through the Sanatan Board.”
Senior Mahamandaleshwar of the Niranjani Akhara and Mahant of Ujjain’s Arji Hanuman Ji Temple, Swami Premanand Puri, said, “Some claim that the land of the Ganga belongs to the Waqf Board. We must clarify that Sanatan Dharma has existed since the emergence of the Sun. To preserve the nation’s integrity, the establishment of the Sanatan Board is crucial.”
Swami Balankanananda Giri Maharaj, Peethadhishwar of Anand Akhara, declared, “Wherever there is faith, there is Sanatan. If you don’t believe it, dig deeper, and you’ll find Sanatan at the root. To safeguard the Sanatan Dharma, the formation of the Sanatan Board is essential.”
Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri said, “The constitution draft of the Sanatan Board will be finalised and officially announced at the Dharma Sabha on January 27 in the presence of all religious leaders.”
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